Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Quest for Eldorado

The past few days I have been wondering where my true love is.
Its like the Quest for Eldorado .
People have searched all their lives for Eldorado but its always been elusive.
Its like searching for a Strawberry in Sambar.
But in my case I am neither looking for Eldorado nor the Strawberry.
So there must be some reasons why I have not been able to find it.
And then I realized the actual cause for me not being able to find my love.
It was because of my obtrusive mail server.
Here is why I call my mail server obtrusive .

P.S : Check the subject of the mail


Harish said...

Strawberry in Sambar, lol...
From whre did this come?

Pavan said...

Strawberry in Sambar..makes a good song actually

Suhas said...

Just like "Garam Garam sambhar mein doob idli.." "garam garam sambhar mein doob strawberry! :-P

Suhas said...

BTW, do keep us updated when u find ut true laaaav