all the different kinds of numbers known to us.
The confusing part of complex numbers come from the fact that they have both real and "imaginary" parts.
Any complex number can be expressed in the form
a + ib where a is the real part and b the imaginary part.
It is this imaginary part of the complex number which lends the complexity to the number.
In this mundane world of ours where every other object is "a copy of a copy of a copy" there are truly very few things or
objects manmade which enchant you first up.For something to make you take notice it should have some very
special features which truly appeal to your senses and make you feel as if its all a dream.
Newton must have felt exhilarated when an Apple fell on his head and made him realize that there is something called gravity
because of which we all can stand on our feet and not drift around like a baloon.I think the same exhilaration is felt in
every carbon life form when they see an Apple iMac or an Apple iBook or the now ubiquitous Apple iPod.
And the common thing in all Apple products is they are all named i(something).
That means they all tickle the imaginary part of our cerebellum.
They all are Complex products
which are truly "imaginary" and whimsical in their features , looks and functionality but are yet so simple .
And now Apple has "Just one more thing......"
The Apple iPhone.

Now this is truly an imaginary phone.
Check out the working of the Apple iPhone here.
You will be truly amazed .
super le, I am wondering if the information u gave about the 'imaginary' part for the 'i' in all of Apple's products is true.
Is it? or is it ur view?
super le, I am wondering if the information u gave about the 'imaginary' part for the 'i' in all of Apple's products is true.
Is it? or is it ur view?
Hey that is just my view..
Incidentally the biographies of Steve Jobs and Steve Woz are titled iCon and iWoz
iNteresting viewpoint.. maybe Apple can take a leaf from their blog and change their tagline to "i iMagine, therefore iApple" ?
Lets c how the iPhone (sorry not to use this name!!) shapes up!!! Will apple be able to weave its magic on the cell phone market!!
err..sorry for the typo, I meant to say, "....maybe Apple can take a leaf from YOUR blog..."
What about i(ttiam) is it an imaginary company too
How much did Apple pay you for this???
I hope Apple reads this and gifts me the iPhone
ya rite!... keep waiting!!
ya rite!... keep waiting!!
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